Monday, 13 June 2011

a good start

i've finally got round to making a start on things for my stall at the school's summer fair, i'm trying not to think about the fact that the fair is only about 4 weeks away, eek! i'm clearly disorganised but am very much in denial about it
blankets for bear
i've made a few doll's / teddy blankets, using up some scraps & odds & ends of flannel & wadding, 
blankets for bear
they are very sweet, i'm pleased with how they turned out & it's a great way to make use of all the smaller bit's of fabric i've been hanging onto
blankets for bear
i now really need to get a wriggle on & get making a few more bits & pieces 
blankets for bear


  1. Just found your blog, I love these dolly blankets and all the fabric you've used, just beautiful!

  2. denial is fine with 4 weeks to go - I'd be in denial for a good while yet!
    fee x
    (cute teeny blankets)

  3. I'm always right up to the line before I pull my finger out. I think you'll do great as you always seem to make so many gorgeous things really quickly. I love those 30's repro fabrics.


  4. The dolls' blankets are lovely - really pretty!

    Pomona x

  5. I love the green and rose sprig stripy fabric, that's lush.

    4 weeks! I think it sounds like you've got it all under control. i never start anything earlier than 4 days. When I was at Uni I started an essay just 6 hours before it was due in. I was drunk when I wrote it. Got a reasonable pass too. I function better when tiddly...or at least i must have. Now I can't hold my booze so I rarely have a tipple.

    Bet your stall sells out.


  6. Lovely pretty fabrics - don't forget to post a pic of your stall! Erika Price Jewelry

  7. Lovely stuff. All looks gorgeous and will sell in no time.
